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Radio Podcasts

"Reclaiming the Republic" is now broadcasting on Red State Talk Radio both in the air and on the internet every week day from 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST and from 3:00 to 4:00 pm PST. See below for links and more info. Please feel free to call our comment line at your leisure and if you would rather email us a question to this address:

info[at]reclaimingtherepublic.org. This way you can join us in this dialogue in “Reclaiming the Republic.”







Listen Live by going to Red State Talk Radio

This is a daily show where we look at the news and our government through a Constitutional lens.

This Year's Content


To call to leave a comment or to ask a question call at any time 202-241-8032 your comment and or questions will be covered during a "marketing show." If you have a deeper dialouge just leave a concise message as to what you want to cover and your phone number so we can call you back to record the conversation.

You can email your questions to info[at]reclaimingtherepublic.org

The dial in Listen Number is: 717-946-6952

Here are the sites with the source documents we have been using for building the case of Republic Review:

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 and 1799 can be found on this page:

Avalon Project - 18th Century Documents : 1700 - 1799 (yale.edu)

Madison's Report on the VA Resolutions:

James Madison, Report on the Virginia Resolutions

Madison's notes and details on Nullification and Interposition:

James Madison's Notes on Nullification of 1834

Go to our "Podcast Archives" to listen to our previous years

Here are the Documents we have read for the year

You can find all of the State Ratification Debates here at the Constitution Society:

The Tory Acts

The Articles of Association

Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress









Proceedings of Annapolis Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government

State Commissions For Delegates To The Constitutional Convention

MLK I HAve A Dream

James Madison's Notes On The Federal Constitutional Convention Of 1787

Lash The Origins of the Privileges or Immunities Clause Part III

James Madison's Report On The Virginia Resolutions

James Madison's Notes On Nullifivcation

Thomas Jefferson's Original Draft of the Declaration of Independence

The Ratification Debates On The Federal Constitution (will be posted when we are done)

Red State Talk Radio podcasts

Listen to our 25 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 24 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 23 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 22 July 2024 podcast; due to the fact that the Democrats and their donors are demanding a new Presidential Candidate, I cover how the die has been cast already for Biden, as the State Laws currently dictate. They have to get each State to change their laws or people have to vote for new Electors.

Listen to our 19 July 2024 podcast; we return with Tami Young Candidate for Wyoming State Legislature House District 27, dicing back into the KY Resolutions of 1798.

Listen to our 18 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 17 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 16 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 15 July 2024 podcast; I focus on the problem with Springfield Ohio and how it has been overrun by unconstitutionally protected invaders. See the take action page and call all concerned in Ohio about violating their oath of office and shipping out these invaders.

Listen to our 12 July 2024 podcast; we return with Tami Young Candidate for Wyoming State Legislature House District 27. We talk to Tami about the challenge of helping people understand the importance in holding their representatives and public servants accountable to their oath of office and to full compliance to the Constitution.

Listen to our 11 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 10 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 09 July 2024 podcast; Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 08 July 2024 podcast; I stress the necessity of my/our focus on the only path that will save our Constitution and our liberties as I express my frustration as to how we are divided over what to do.

Listen to our 05 July 2024 podcast; I cover the importance of content shows and the importance of the source documents that we present as content and how this will help convince you what needs to be done and how you can get involved…

Listen to our 04 July 2024 podcast; I had a special broadcast that aired in addition to the Ratification Debates show…. I began covering the KY and VA Resolution with a candidate from Wyoming who is seeking to represent the good people of Wyoming in the State Legislature, Tami Young. We will have her back to cover the entire content of the process of interposition in future “exigent shows.”

Listen to our 04 July 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 03 July 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 02 July 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 01 July 2024 podcast I cover the portions that have been removed from the Declaration of Independence and why and I also cover the importance in avoiding organizations that not are a part of the solution.

Listen to our 28 June 2024 podcast I cover the Electoral College and how the Democratic Party cannot change out their candidate and why Constitutionally, we also name many of the Conservative organizations that are not interested in support the solution to our problems…

Listen to our 27 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 26 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 25 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I begin covering the Virginia Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 24 June 2024 podcast I first refute Biden’s advertising campaign that he has been fighting for our families, when in fact he has been attacking the families in America. I then turn to more citation from the Massachusetts Ratification Debates in an effort to place broader context to what Paul and I are covering this year.

Listen to our 21 June 2024 podcast I address at a summary level the seven paths for We the People to rectify our government into becoming constitutionally compliant. Emphasizing the point that only the path of interposition is the way to rectify and restore our Republic… NOT in establishing a Theocracy – in contrast to those who are seeking to abandon the Constitution to create their own Theocracy. I also ponder on some biblical matters as well.

Listen to our 20 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 19 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 18 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 17 June 2024 podcast the first topic of content I cover is the original First Amendment to the Bill of Rights and its importance to our Republican Form of Government.  We then begin with augmentation to the Massachusetts Ratification Debates…

Listen to our 14 June 2024 podcast I address Anti-Semitism hate and the road to genocide and prophesy - I also touch on the original 1st Amendment out of the original twelve amendments.

Listen to our 13 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 12 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 11 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I begin covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 10 June 2024 podcast, I begin speaking to the importance of relationships and forgiveness and conclude the political exorcism and point out that Friday I need to introduce details on the original First Amendment.

Listen to our 07 June 2024 podcast, Advocates for establishing Theocracies in replacement of our Constitution are becoming more prevalent in America; thus, I speak to the dangers of this and the fact that there is no prophesy stating that the world would be united by HIS government, this happens only after HE comes again. Consequently I dive into this and continue talking about the political exorcism and those amendments that bother so many people.

Listen to our 06 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 05 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 04 June 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I begin covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 03 June 2024 podcast Being compelled to remind all that those who are calling for a theocracy in America are not going to go away until… as I have been saying - begin holding our public servants accountable at the county, state and federal level. It all starts with the Counties! I return to the exorcism of also cover the 16th Amendment and how it is not the bane of our existence - the way it is being applied or executed it not congruent to the Uniformity Clause!

Listen to our 31 May 2024 podcast I end up covering some current news or what I refer to as marketing. Due to the fact there is no sign whatsoever of things getting better. I cover Trumps conviction and regardless of who is in the Presidency, until we get the States to do their job in holding the federal accountable to the Constitution - things can never get better.

Listen to our 30 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 29 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 28 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I begin covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 27 May 2024 podcast, I finish my dive into some marketing as to the incredible crap that is happening in the news and discuss my views of false prophets… they are not only leading churches they are in government and politics. I also dice into my utter disappointment in almost all of the Candidate class today - if you are a champion for the Constitution, please step-up and step into a race. The soul of America needs you.

Listen to our 24 May 2024 podcast, I dive into some marketing as to the incredible crap that is happening in the news around the world. Topics like CBDC, the U.N. getting into Israel's affairs, and other news like a judge asserting the invaders have a Constitutional Right to vote…?  

Listen to our 23 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 22 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 21 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I begin covering the Massachusetts Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 20 May 2024 podcast, I explain how we need to stop holding our public servants to our personal standards or any standard other than the Constitution and their requirement to support it against enemies foreign and domestic, I continue the political exorcism regarding the 14th Amendment… and read a part of Professor Lash’s Thesis.

Listen to our 17 May 2024 podcast, American is not a theocracy, but it was a Christian nation that was an amalgamation of 13 States that established a state sponsored churches of different faiths. Sheriffs are not a magistrates as they were in Britain, but they are empowered to enforce the law and protect the people from crimes whether they be by criminals trying to do harm to We the People as well as by politicians who are making laws they have no authority to make and enforce.  The States must obtain full oversight over our national intelligence system to ensure it is not operating in conflict with the Constitution and how to do this. Showden was not a hero, I need to follow-up with the facts on this narcissists in a later show!  

Listen to our 16 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I wrap up the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 15 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 14 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 13 May 2024 podcast, I explain the details as to why what both John and I is paramount. I really dive into why our government and Common Law system is significantly different from Britain’s and how. I hope to have John back on soon to discuss how to we can work more together to begin moving mountains.

Listen to our 10 May 2024 podcast, due to a signification schedule problem, I was unable to do Feedback Friday, instead, I played my first interview with John Darash from 11 March 2020.  What John is doing with Common Law and county courts and I discuss Republic Review for the first time.

Listen to our 09 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 08 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 07 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 06 May 2024 podcast, I continue Fridays regarding the Political Exorcism along with lingering information regarding Friday Feedback.  I clarify a little more regarding the oath and the importance on the pledge that we have here on Reclaiming the Republic, and I get back into focus on the importance of the Fourteenth Amendment and the character of the Radical Republican’s or so they were labeled, as well as a cursory commentary on the Sixteenth Amendment.

Listen to our 03 May 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, in continuing the Political Exorcism regarding all the misleading information regarding some of the Amendments focusing on the importance of the Fourteenth Amendment and its legitimate Ratification.

Listen to our 02 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 01 May 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I continue covering the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 30 Apr 2024 podcast, Paul Venable and I Begin covering the Pennsylvania Ratification Debates.

Listen to our 29 Apr 2024 podcast, Since we are shifting content from Madison’s Notes on the Convention to the Ratification Debates, I continue Fridays feedback in continuing the Political Exorcism regarding all the misleading information regarding some of the Amendments focusing on the importance of the Fourteenth Amendment and its legitimate Ratification in contrast to those who are either lying or bearing false witness about it and other amendments, to convince good Patriots that the government tyranny is legitimate – it’s not!

Listen to our 26 Apr 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, in continuing the Political Exorcism regarding all the misleading information regarding some of the Amendments focusing on the importance of the Fourteenth Amendment and its legitimate Ratification.

Listen to our 25 Apr 2024 podcast, I conclude covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention focusing on States admission to the Union.

Listen to our 24 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention focusing on States admission to the Union.

Listen to our 23 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention focusing on States admission to the Union.

Listen to our 22 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention focusing on States admission to the Union.

Listen to our 19 Apr 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, suggestions on protecting your children along with the Constitution; we covered the paths not taken and why and more importantly the path not taken never bears fruit.

Listen to our 18 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention focusing on property and land.

Listen to our 17 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention focusing on property and land.

Listen to our 16 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention focusing on property and land.

Listen to our 15 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention focusing on property and land.

Listen to our 12 Apr 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, I play two extracts of Pop songs that point to the commonality of how the various labels were pushing a narrative, and a third Pop song of a band that did not need any pushing to call for an end to conservative values being taught in school.  I also cover why you need to get involved in our Republican Form of government.

Listen to our 11 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 10 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 09 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 08 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 05 Apr 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, as I address your questions or illuminate the matters de jour – I cover why you need to get involved – Copyrights – the British Theocratic Monarchy in comparison to our Republican Form of government.

Listen to our 04 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 03 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 02 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 01 Apr 2024 podcast, I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 29 Mar 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, as I address your questions or illuminate the matters de jour.

Listen to our 28 Mar 2024 podcast, I return to covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 27 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 26 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 25 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 22 Mar 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, as I address your questions or illuminate the matters de jour.

Listen to our 21 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 20 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 19 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 18 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 15 Mar 2024 podcast, I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 14 Mar 2024 I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 13 Mar 2024 I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 12 Mar 2024 I continue covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 11 Mar 2024 podcast I begin covering why it is so important to have a President who understands how the framers defined the Constitution and what a Constitutional President could do today.

Listen to our 08 Mar 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, the importance of forgiveness and working together, Corporations - Treason, Corporations - Globalists, the danger of supporting Conservatives, the Electoral College...

Listen to our 07 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 06 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 05 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 04 Mar 2024 podcast I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 01 Mar 2024 podcast, Feedback Friday, the importance of forgiveness and working together, Corporations - Treason, Corporations - Globalists, the danger of supporting Conservatives, the Electoral College...

Listen to our 29 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 28 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 27 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 26 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 23 Feb 2024 podcast, as I address The Fact That Biden committed an impeachable offense by removing student debt instead of following the Constitution and essential buying votes – for feedback Friday, I finish covering how it required both the Democrat and Republican Parties to collude to successfully and incrementally takeaway our Liberties.

Listen to our 22 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 21 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 20 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 19 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 16 Feb 2024 podcast, as I address The Fact That conservative organizations like the JBS, the Tenth Amendment Center, Tactical  Civics, and many others refuse to unite on the entire Constitution to create a movement of We the People for full compliance to the Constitution at all levels of government – for feedback Friday, I continue covering how it required both the Democrat and Republican Parties to collude to successfully and incrementally takeaway our Liberties.

Listen to our 15 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 14 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 13 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 12 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I begin covering James Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 09 Feb 2024 podcast, as I address The Fact That Microsoft is forcing you to get a new PC by Oct 2025 – for feedback Friday, I continued covering how it required both the Democrat and Republican Parties to collude to successfully and incrementally takeaway our Liberties.

Listen to our 08 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I finished covering the Amendments to the Articles of Confederation and concluded THERE IS NO EVIDENCE AT ALL THAT THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1787 WAS A RUNAWAY CONVENTION. (See State Commissions For Delegates To The Constitutional Convention).

Listen to our 07 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering the Amendments to the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 06 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering the Amendments to the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 05 Feb 2024 we were unable to broadcast this day.

Listen to our 02 Feb 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering how it required both the Democrat and Republican Parties to collude to successfully and incrementally takeaway our Liberties.

Listen to our 01 Feb 2024 Paul Venable and I continue covering the Amendments to the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 31 Jan 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering the Amendments to the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 30 Jan 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering the Amendments to the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 29 Jan 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering the Amendments to the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 26 Jan 2024 podcast For Feedback Friday, I begin to recount how it had taken the cooperation of two Parties to compromise the Constitution and incrementally increase tyranny in America.

Listen to our 25 Jan 2024 I begin covering the Amendments to the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 24 Jan 2024 podcast Paul and I concluded reading the State Acts Authorizing the Election of Delegates For The 1787 Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 23 Jan 2024 podcast Paul and I cover the State Acts Authorizing the Election of Delegates For The 1787 Constitutional Convention.

Listen to our 22 Jan 2024 Paul and I begin covering Proceedings of Annapolis Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress (See Document links above).

Listen to our 19 Jan 2024 podcast Feedback Friday I cover our energy grid and continue haranguing and when the Party’s took control of our Electoral College.

Listen to our 18 Jan 2024 podcast I conclude reading the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 17 Jan 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue covering the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 16 Jan 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I begin covering the Articles of Confederation.

Listen to our 15 Jan 2024 podcast I cover and read Martin Luther King I Had A Dram Speech.

Listen to our 12 Jan 2024 podcast, as I address feedback on the Electoral College and the Presidential Election.

Listen to our 11 Jan 2024 podcast Paul and I conclude reading the Articles of Association.

Listen to our 10 Jan 2024 podcast Paul and I continue reading the Articles of Association.

Listen to our 09 Jan 2024 podcast Paul and I begin reading the Articles of Association.

Listen to our 08 Jan 2024 podcast I expound upon a few points from the Tory Acts regarding the Magistrate architecture as an autocracy and the evils of subjugation as we set the stage for this week to cover how the framers went from the autocracy of the Magistrate doctrine to a instituting a self-governing system.

Listen to our 05 Jan 2024 podcast Paul Venable and I continue discussing the historical context of the Tory Acts religion in America in what we call the land of liberty.

Listen to our 04 Jan 2024 podcast Paul Venable joins me in asking questions about the Tory Acts and the concept of asset forfeiture and exile in what was being called the land of liberty.

Listen to our 03 Jan 2024 podcast we dive deeper into how the Sovereign citizen movement is luring good people down a path that makes them unable to fight for liberty in America.

Listen to our 02 Jan 2024 podcast we cover the Tory Acts.

Listen to our 01 Jan 2024 podcast as we kick off the New Year and get ahead in leading the annual conversation as to whether we need an Article V Convention or not – since The COS and JBS have dominated this conversation for the past decade plus making one think that this is a binary issue when it is not. The fact that they have created a myopic view has helped the wrong movements gain traction such as the Sovereign citizen movement and the abandoning the Constitution. This is what happens when you let controlled opposition organizations like the COS and JBS obfuscate the real issues as well as what is the appropriate action for the real problem according to James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.

Important Information

The Bill of Rights - The pages from the "Annals of Congress:"


1791 Election Fraud In GA:



1909 Congressional Record on the Sixteenth Amendment



Cod Fishery Debates of 1792:



Our updates to the color coded Constitution:

Previously From Jon Roland and his page: https://www.constitution.org/


The new color coded Constitution that differentiates each clause in the Constitution - it is our enumerated Color Coded Constitution:



Chinese Live Organ Harvesting Links

Stop Organ Harvesting


End Transplant Abuse


Congressional Debates of the Fourteenth Amendment



Please check out Trevors videos below

Trevor Loudon

Website: Trevor Loudon

Trevor's YouTube: Enemies Within

Capital Research Center

Dangerous Documentaries: America Under Siege: Antifa

Trevor's KeyWiki Research Page: Key Wiki

Video Collection: 2017 Video Collection


Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe by John Robinson (1798)


Adam Carolla Speaks To Congress On Gravity

Adam Carolla Speaks To Congress

Testimony to Congress on the Bill Clinton Timeline of Corruption

The citation below connects the Clinton Administration and the DNC to Chinese Intelligence operatives who sought and received a windfall of intelligence and technical data necessary for their military and offensive capabilities

Curry, T., & Windrem, R. (1998, May 27). Establishing the Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China (House of Representatives - June 18, 1998). Retrieved December 22, 2011, from http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-1998-06-18/pdf/CREC-1998-06-18-pt1-PgH4748-2.pdf>www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-1998-06-18/pdf/CREC-1998-06-18-pt1-PgH4748-2.pdf#page=13

Who would you like to talk to?

Send me an email at info[at]reclaimingtherepublic[dot]org

What would it take for you to get active and take action?

Send me an email at info[at]reclaimingtherepublic[dot]org

Indivisible Guide 2017


What more do you need to get involved?

Send me an email at info[at]reclaimingtherepublic[dot]org