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Academic Source Documents

The Proverbial Horse’s Mouth Page

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This is a daily show where we look at the news and our government through a Constitutional lens.

Our Greatest Treasure To Understanding The Constitution

The Ratification Debates and The Resolutions

Our copy of the Delaware Debates

Our copy of the New Jersey Debates

Our copy of the Georgia Debates

Our copy of the Connecticut Debates

Our copy of the Maryland Debates

Our copy of the New Hampshire Debates

Our copy of the Rhode Island Debates

Our copy of the Pennsylvania Debates

Our copy of the Massachusetts Debates

Our Copy of the South Carolina Debates

Our Copy of the Virginia Debates

Our Copy of the New York Debates

Our Copy of the North Carolina Debates

The Five Critical Documents To Understand What And Why Interposition Is The Only Process To Reclaim Our Republic

Here are the source documents we have been using for building the case of Republic Review. These are Word Documents with highlights and some formatting changes to the original documents but we have no changed a word or the grammar... within the footer portion of each document we provide a link to a reputable site that provides each document in its original language for one to verify the veracity of our copy. At the bottom, we have posted audio files where a group of Patriots read each of these documents in their entirety (except for Madison’s Notes on Nullification).  In doing this the reader and every participant gets more out of the document since we explain the meaning and details about each word or line in these documents.  We are posting all this here so you can join in reading with us do you too can have the full benefit of understanding the prodigious importance of what we all must do as both Patriots as well as public servants.

The Documents:

The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

The Virginia Resolutions of 1798

The Kentucky Resolutions of 1799

James Madison, Report on the Virginia Resolutions

James Madison's Notes on Nullification of 1834

The Audio Files:

The following file covers the reading of the Kentucky Resolution of 1798 from Resolution #1 through Resolution #7:

Part 1

The following file covers the reading of the Kentucky Resolution of 1798 from Resolution #8 & #9:

Part 2

The following file covers the reading of the Virginia entucky Resolution of 1798:

Part 3

The following file covers the reading of the Kentucky Resolution of 1799:

Part 4

The following file covers the reading of James Madison's Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 from paragraph 1 through 15:

Part 5

The following file covers the reading of James Madison's Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 from paragraph 16 through 19:

Part 6

The following file covers the reading of James Madison's Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 from paragraph 20 through 25:

Part 7

The following file covers the reading of James Madison's Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 from paragraph 26 and 27, wrapping up his report on the Virginia Resolutions:

Part 8

The following file covers the reading of James Madison's Notes on Nullification of 1843 from paragraph 3 - 17:

Part 9

Here are the Documents we have read for the year

These Documents Cover The Evolution Of Our Hybrid Constitutional Republic:

The Pre-Constitution Source Documents

The Tory Acts

The Articles of Association

Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress

Thomas Jefferson's Original Draft of the Declaration of Independence

The Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union









Proceedings of Annapolis Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government

State Commissions For Delegates To The Constitutional Convention

From The Constitutional Convention To Today Source Documents

James Madison's Notes On The Federal Constitutional Convention Of 1787

Lash The Origins of the Privileges or Immunities Clause Part III

James Madison's Letter To John G. Jackson 1821

The Monroe Doctrine



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Important Information

The Bill of Rights - The pages from the "Annals of Congress:"


1791 Election Fraud In GA:



1909 Congressional Record on the Sixteenth Amendment



Cod Fishery Debates of 1792:



Our updates to the color coded Constitution:

Previously From Jon Roland and his page: https://www.constitution.org/


The new color coded Constitution that differentiates each clause in the Constitution - it is our enumerated Color Coded Constitution:


Congressional Debates of the Fourteenth Amendment


Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe by John Robinson (1798)



Testimony to Congress on the Bill Clinton Timeline of Corruption

The citation below connects the Clinton Administration and the DNC to Chinese Intelligence operatives who sought and received a windfall of intelligence and technical data necessary for their military and offensive capabilities

Curry, T., & Windrem, R. (1998, May 27). Establishing the Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China (House of Representatives - June 18, 1998). Retrieved December 22, 2011, from http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-1998-06-18/pdf/CREC-1998-06-18-pt1-PgH4748-2.pdf>www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-1998-06-18/pdf/CREC-1998-06-18-pt1-PgH4748-2.pdf#page=13

Who would you like to talk to?

Send me an email at info[at]reclaimingtherepublic[dot]org

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Send me an email at info[at]reclaimingtherepublic[dot]org

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Send me an email at info[at]reclaimingtherepublic[dot]org